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Learn how to measure human blood pressure in detail

Learn how to measure human blood pressure in detail.

Measuring the Blood Pressure

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Blood pressure measurement

The purpose

  • Learn to measure systolic and diastolic blood pressure in a proper way.
  • Distinguish between normal and abnormal blood pressure.

Used equipments

  • Stethoscope.
  • blood pressure device.
  • A piece of cotton dipped in alcohol.

Types of pressure device

There are two more commonly used types:
  • Mercury pressure device.
  • watch pressure device.
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Sphygmomanometer components

The pressure device consists of

  1. A bracelet (blood pressure tape) made of durable fabric, with an adhesive to fix the bracelet on the arm.
  2. A bag made of rubber from which two rubber tubes come out, one to the blower and the other to the manometer. And this bag is placed inside the bracelet (blood pressure tape).
  3. manometer:
  • In the case of the mercury device, it is a ruler inserted in the center of a glass tube connected to a mercury tank.
  • In the case of the watch, the watch is a round dial inserted in the middle of a pointer, and this dial is attached to a rubber tube.

Pressure measurement methods

  • Palpation method.
  • Hearing method.

Blood pressure measurement steps

  • Assess the patient's condition and make sure that the patient is in a normal condition and not irritable.
  • Prepare the necessary tools and ensure that they work efficiently, ie:
  1. The manometer is fine.
  2. The valve is working tightly.
  3. There is no defect in the bracelet.
  4. The size of the bracelet is suitable for the patient's arm.
  • The patient is placed in a comfortable position, whether sitting or sleeping (the palm is facing up and the arm is supported and at the level of the heart).
  • Lift the shirt sleeve and keep the patient's arm exposed.
  • Pulse sense in the organ artery.
  • Press your hands on the bracelet to remove the air from it.
  • The bracelet is wrapped around the patient's arm at the top of the elbow tightly and gently.
  • Place the two rubber tubes over the organ artery.
  • Make sure that the manometer is perpendicular to your eye level, no closer than 1 meter away.
sense method:
  • Feel the radial artery with the fingers of the hand (as in measuring the pulse), and hold the pump in the other hand (and place the pump in the palm of the hand and the valve between the thumb and forefinger).
  • Close the valve with your index and thumb fingers.
  • Puts air into the pump until the mercury level rises
  • in the mercury manometer or the pointer moves in
  • Manometer clock.
  • Note the number in the manometer at which you no longer feel the pulse in the radial artery.
  • Open the valve to let the air out and reduce the pressure on the patient's arm.
Hearing method:
  • Wipe the parts of the headset (the part that is placed in the
  • ear and the part that touches the patient’s skin) with a piece of
  • Cotton moistened with alcohol.
  • Wear the headset in your ears and test it by simple tapping on the thin part of the diaphragm.
  • Place the earphone part (thin diaphragm) on the
  • The patient's organ artery is fixed with the index and middle fingers of one hand.
  • Hold the pump with the other hand.
  • Close the valve with your thumb and forefinger.
  • Pump the air until the mercury rises 30 millimeters of mercury from the reading obtained for systolic pressure by palpation.
  • Open the valve very slowly so that the air is slowly released and the pressure on the lever is reduced.
  • Note the reading of the manometer when you hear the first sound of the pulse.
  • Keep opening the valve to let the air out.
  • Note the reading of the manometer when the sound of the pulses disappears.
  • Quickly open the valve to let all the air out.
  • Remove the bracelet from the patient's arm and cover the exposed arm.

Important Notes:

  • There are factors that affect blood pressure, such as emotions, exercise, pain, and psychological state that affect blood pressure.
  • Measuring pressure from above the clothes affects the correct reading.
  • The lack of air from the bracelet at first and the presence of air gives an increase in the reading.
  • Wrapping the bracelet tightly on the arm affects the correct reading.
  • Hearing the first sound of the pulse indicates systolic blood pressure.
  • The disappearance of the sound of the pulses indicates diastolic blood pressure.
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