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How to measure the human pulse and respiration

Learn ways to measure the human pulse and respiration in detailed steps.

How to measure the human pulse and respiration

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How to measure human pulse and respiration

First: pulse

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Pulse points assessment

The pulse is a very important vital sign and has a role in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.

The purpose of the pulse measurement

  • Assess the patient's condition and assist in diagnosing the disease.
  • Distinguish between normal and abnormal pulse in terms of pulse characteristics.

Instruments used to measure the pulse

  • An hour with a seconds hand.
  • pen.
  • Vital Signs Registration Form.

Pulse measurement locations

  • Temporal artery.
  • Facial artery.
  • Carotid artery.
  • Apical.
  • Brachial.
  • Radial.
  • Femoral.
  • Popliteal.
  • Dorsalis Pedis.
  • Posterial tibial.
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Location of pulse points in the body


  • Before measuring the pulse, take into account the factors natural factors that affect pulse characteristics such as age and great effort and change the situation.
  • If it is muscular effort, wait 5 to 10 minutes before measuring.
  • Put the patient in a comfortable position.
  • If he is lying on his back, put his arm on his chest.
  • If he is sitting with the elbow bent at 90° and the arm is supported on the hand of a chair, table or bed so that the pulse can be taken accurately.
  • Locate the radial artery with your three fingers (index, middle, and ring finger).
  • Gently press the patient's wrist along the patient's thumb or the inner side of the wrist, using the insides of your three fingers to feel the pulse.
  • After you feel the pulse is regular, look at the seconds watch in your hand and start counting the pulses.
  • If the pulse is uniform, count the pulse in 30 seconds (half a minute) and then multiply the result by 2.
  • If the pulse is irregular, the pulse must be measured
  • In a full minute (60 seconds).

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How to feel radial pulse

Important Notes

  • The ordinary heart rate for an person is 60 to a hundred beats consistent with minute.
  • Do not use your thumb to measure the pulse because it contains your pulse.
  • The pulse is determined more accurately with the medium pressure. The light pressure does not feel the pulse, and the strong pressure on the artery stops the pulse and stops the blood flow.
  • The tips of the fingertips are less sensitive than the soles of the fingers, in addition to the fact that the nails may harm the patient's skin.

Heart rate measurement

The purpose

  • Learn to determine the number of contractions of the left ventricle of the heart per minute.
  • Determine any difference in the heartbeat from the radial pulse.
  • Measure the heart rate in cases of heart patients and before providing any treatment for the heart.

Used equipments

  • A watch with a seconds hand.
  • Stethoscope.


  • Help the patient to get into a lying or sitting position.
  • Clean the end of the Stethoscope used in the ear and the tip
  • The one who touches the patient's skin with a wet cotton swab with alcohol.
  • Expose the patient's chest (the apex of the heart).
  • Put the stethoscope in your ears and test the stethoscope by simply tapping your finger on the thin diaphragm of the earphone.
  • Place the thin diaphragm of the stethoscope on top of the heart the patient is under the left nipple.
  • Count the heartbeat in a full minute.
  • If there is a difference between the heart rate of the hand and the heart, This is called a Pulse Defiat.
  • Recover the patient and place him or her in a comfortable position.
  • Clean the thin film of the speaker with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.

Second: breathing

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How to measure human breathing
Breathing is a continuous process of taking in and expelling air from the lungs. It takes place in two processes: inhalation, in which oxygen is taken, and exhalation, in which carbon dioxide is released.

Measuring respiration

The purpose

  • Count the breaths.
  • Differentiate between normal and abnormal breathing.
  • Assisting in diagnosing the patient's condition and determining the extent of his condition.

Used equipments

An hour with a seconds hand.


If the patient did muscular effort, wait from 5 to 10 minutes before spirometry.
Place the patient in a comfortable position, preferably half-sitting.
Make sure the patient's chest movement is clear to you.
Use the same position when taking the pulse while holding the patient's hand as if you were continuing the steps of the pulse measurement.
Note the upward push and fall of the patient's chest.
Count each inhale and exhale with one breath.
Count for a full minute.
Note the patient's color, especially around the mouth and fingernails fingers.

Important Notes

  • The normal respiratory rate in an adult is from 12 to 20 revolutions per minute.
  • Muscular exertion and anxiety affect respiratory rate.
  • Show the patient that you are measuring his pulse and not breathing so that he does not notice that you are counting his breath and controls the breathing rate.
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